Breathe Easy Under The Capricorn New Moon
Dead it, sis. Dead all the baggage and unrealistic expectations and pressures that have kept you hostage from living in alignment with your souls’ desires. The Capricorn new moon will be making a conjunction with Pluto — highlighting our personal power to overcome blockages and difficult situations that have kept you hostage.
This new moon is one of death and rebirth. A time to honor your true values and mustering up your confidence to know that it’s time to walk away.
As the Sun also makes a conjunction with Pluto, this is a period of forging a path of better aligned intentions, commitments and taking a deep dive into our subconscious mind. When you quiet all the noise, what lies at your heart’s core?
What lessons have you learned from this past year that’ll allow you to create a better personal value system to live in alignment on this next phase on your journey? Cut and simple — what matters most to you? Go get it.
The energies of this new moon correlate back to January 2020. Most of us may not wish to look back on that year, but in doing so we can learn a lot about what caused the most discord in our lives. Just a few days after this new moon on Thursday, Uranus, the planet of change and unexpectedness, finally stations direct. Look at where you have Uranus located in your chart and think back to the major themes dating back to January/February 2018.
Through that two year journey, what is the one thing you’ve learned to value most about yourself? What boundaries do you wish to never overstep with yourself again? What can you clear on your path to forge more easeful steps on your journey ahead?
Know that this Capricorn new moon is here to support you even when it feels like everything you’ve known is crumbling at the surface. Through all the rapid changes, when it felt like you’ve had no control — this new moon encourages you to take your power back. There are new dreams to be explored. It’s time to write your own narrative. Not all is lost.
This week, spend some time journaling and meditate on the following:
✨ What change have I been resisting? What will it look like to surrender at this moment?
✨ What is one personal value of mine that I will honor and keep sacred in this next cycle of life?
✨ What does my life look and feel like when I free myself of structural limitations?
Your Capricorn 2021 New Moon horoscopes are below. Be sure to read for your sun, moon and rising signs for the most accurate reading. Enjoy, love.
Deep within you already know what you’re true calling is — commit to it. If your current career path/work environment does not suit your desires or interests, it’s time to move on. Moving forward, what is a non-negotiable for you in your next career move? Rest? More creative leadership? You’re encouraged to restructure and reprogram what career success looks like for you. Look beyond the title, and get deeper into doing the work that feeds your hearts’ core.
This will be the change that’ll force you to grow into being someone you’re most proud of.
It’s time to rewrite your story and live out your truth. What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to explore or learn more about? Do the research, sharpen your skills and perfect your craft. When in doubt, connecting to your spirituality whether it be through candle magic or rituals you’ll come to learn important new lessons about your life’s purpose or mission.
This new moon will feel incredibly personal for you. Who or what has been limiting your inner power? What must be done to take your power back? Don’t allow your internal emotions to be kept a secret anymore. Free yourself from your shadow. Time in your solitude to clear your crown chakra is highly encouraged.
When you look back on your relationships, what lessons were previously revealed to you? Who did you have to cut ties with in order to reconnect more deeply with yourself? This new moon wants you to ponder on the kind of intimate and/or business partner(s) you’d like to establish deeper connections with. Who are the people that add great value to the woman you’re becoming?
Breathe, darling. Prioritize your mental health by giving yourself moments to take a step back when work feels overwhelming. This new moon wants you to re-adjust how much of yourself you are committing to your daily work over your body’s needs. Let the toxic ambition die. You can start each day over on your own terms. This time with ease and intentional self-care.
I hope you find the time to play and create something that feels joyous. Under the energy of this new moon, forget about what everyone around you says you’re good at. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean it should turn into another stream of income. Keep that sacred for yourself only. Breathe a little.
It’s ok if you don’t have it all together, love. Whatever it is you’re allowing to guard your heart, breathe and let it down. Thinking back to your childhood, what was the one thing that always brought you joy? How can you begin to live a life that your younger self always dreamed of? Maybe you’re ready to leave home to begin living that lifestyle. Trust yourself.
Mentally, you might feel like you’re under a lot of pressure. Rest, cry, RELEASE and let it go. The intensity of your emotions are surfacing during this time to bring much needed clarity on the direction you must turn towards. Good news is on the way baby girl. Unblock your throat chakra by speaking beautiful affirmations to yourself: I am living a life where my mental and emotional health is prioritized.
You have always been enough and you have always had enough, Sag. Lose the fear of asking for help. You don’t have to be a one-woman show anymore — the days of overworking and burning yourself out are over. This time around, when it comes to your business and your work, know that there are resources and support to help you reach your financial goals. Repeat: I am financially secure and abundant.
If you feel like you’re losing yourself, you’re only finding your way back to your core. You are reconnecting to the part of you that wishes for room to play and simply be yourself. Release control of who you think you should be. This new moon is the start of your journey to discovering who you truly are when no one is watching. Let that part of you shine through.
Internally, you are going through a major healing and transformative process. The energy of this new moon will force you to confront your fears and take the risk that’s been long overdue. The more you ignore your intuition, the harder the lesson to be learned. Set yourself free, love. A new journey awaits when you’re ready for it.
This is a reminder that you never had to give up on your dreams. Instead, you’ve been chasing someone else’s idea of what you thought you wanted. Take a step back, reconnect to your inner circle and allow them to pour into you. Don’t bottle it up anymore. It’s time to flip the switch and get free from the worlds’ expectations of you. Be yourself, babe.