Revel In Your Blessings, You Deserve It Sis—Weekly Horoscopes Are Here
A life-changing Eclipse opens doors to long-awaited dreams, goals and visions this week.
Weekly Horoscopes For June 15th — June 21st ✧
Yep. You guessed it, Mercury retrograde arrives this week. But, that’s not the only thing popping off in the cosmos this week. Towards the end of this week, we have yet another eclipse — The Cancer Solar New Moon Eclipse.
For starters, yes expect to feel all the feels this week as the sun, moon and Mercury will shift into Cancer. What about Cancer makes us all feel so emotional you ask? Cancer’s dominant water energy and connection to the moon shines a light on our inner world, forcing our emotions to be brought to the surface. The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse taking place on Saturday will be felt all throughout this week. This eclipse will be marked as the second eclipse that we’ve experienced this month and there’s a lot to unpack here. For starters, the energy of eclipses truly speed up time and bring forth necessary changes in our lives in order to propel us on the path most aligned with our destiny.
Given that this is a New Moon eclipse and not a Lunar eclipse, contrary to the previous Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius we had a few short weeks ago, we can expect to be receive new blessings and information that we’ve been working hard toward up until this point. Naturally, the energy of Cancer is to provide, nourish and support others. However, the energy of this Eclipse is not here to encourage us to provide for others, but instead allow us to reap all that we’ve sowed.
What has your heart been yearning for since the beginning of 2020? What would need to happen in this lifetime for your heart to feel fulfilled? Whatever that is, get ready to receive it.
Oh yes, Mercury retrograde officially begins on Thursday this week. I have no doubt that this retrograde will feel less intense as the dominant Cancer energy in the air will lead us to naturally do the healing work we’ve been needing to tap into. Mercury retrograde happening during this time is only asking us to slow down and truly bask and celebrate all the beautiful changes that are unfolding in our lives. Stay present and try not to jump too far ahead. Take it all day by day. Expect to hear from exes, and people from your past— it’s inevitable. But, this time around you don’t have to rid them right away. Hear them out, search for the lesson in the experience and decide how you wish to move forward. You have full autonomy of who and what gets to stay in your life.
Many of us might find ourselves craving a sense of security. For some this looks like finding comfort and solace within our lover, family and friends and for others, this looks like protecting our peace and keeping our magic to ourselves until we feel ready to fully step back into the world. Either way, this week is full with beautiful surprises that’ll leave you filled with so much emotion. Because rightfully so, you deserve to cry tears of joy and revel in your Blackness.
Have a stellar week, sis.✨
Be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for the most accurate readings below:
March 21–April 19 ✧
Don’t look back, you’re not going that way, sis. This week you’re being challenged to step outside of your comfort zone. Everybody loves to throw around the word ‘healing,’ but doesn’t want to put in the work. I encourage you to take a deeper look at the attachments you have in your life, are they worth it? I see so much more for you.
April 20–May 19 ✧
It’s time for you to share your voice and gifts with the world. Perhaps you’re thinking about diving into a new passion project? If so, don’t take it lightly. Keep both ears open & listen out for delightful news… You’ll soon notice everything aligning itself up as it should. Everything is all good, Taurus. So excited to watch you blossom.
May 20–June 21 ✧
Blessings of a new bag are on its way to you ($$$). Since the beginning of 2020, you’ve been trying to envision what financial security looks like for you. Continue to play your cards right and the perfect opportunities will align themselves for you to start building your dream life.
June 22–July 21 ✧
You’re stepping into your highest self. Just when you thought you knew what was right and good for you, think again. During Mercury retrograde, you’re being encouraged to shed and cleanse old versions of yourself. Once you buckle down on that, endless doors will open if they haven’t already. I’m rooting for you, sis.
July 23–August 22 ✧
Quiet out the noise this week, Leo. By the end of this week, major changes and shifts will present themselves. Stay ready so that you don’t have to get ready. It might feel as though your foundation isn’t solid, but know that this is where you can begin again & rebuild. Have patience and stay open.
August 23–September 22 ✧
What would need to happen in this lifetime for you to feel fully liberated, Virgo? The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse is exposing you to a network of people who will help you reach a long-term goal. It’s important to keep your energy sacred during this time — watch who you keep ‘round you, sis. Not everybody wants to see you win.
September 23–October 22 ✧
You’ve been itching for the chance to focus on the work that makes your soul happy — your true calling. With the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse highlighting your career and identity, I feel a major career shift for you. Keep focused & know that what’s to come will be necessary for your self-development. All eyes are on you. Know that none of this is done on accident — step into your light.
October 23–November 21 ✧
Retrograde who? Nothing will interfere with your desire to expand in all areas of your life. Changes are coming and I feel that you’re the most ready to accept them. Perhaps you’re relocating or being granted an opportunity to dive deeper into a particular skill? Either way, you’ve been manifesting this for a while now. Hold the faith, you deserve it, sis!
November 22–December 21 ✧
Honey, your relationships have put you through the ringer. It’s ok if you miss or want that old thang back. This week, you’re being asked to shed and let go of any emotional baggage. It’s weighing you down and stunting your growth. Allow yourself to feel the feels and keep it real with yourself. What or who are you missing? Is it yourself? Get back to her!
December 22–January 19 ✧
Idk who it is, but somebody has eyes for you, Capricorn. So much of 2020 has been about work, work work and I want you to loosen up a bit. You’ve probably been ignoring your heart’s desire or holding back from connecting deeper with someone. For why? Retrograde & the upcoming eclipse might take you by surprise — stay open.
January 20–February 18 ✧
You’ve been working & pouring your soul into your work lately. Don’t forget that both your mental and physical health deserve that same energy. This week, focus on nourishing and hydrating your mind, body and spirit. You need all the rest and fuel to keep on keeping on. New work opportunities might come your way, making you much busier than you are now. You prayed for this, now just make sure you’re well fed and well rested to get to it.
February 19–March 20 ✧
It’s ok if you feel a bit conflicted in your romantic relationships, Pisces. Shift your energy towards yourself and get back to doing the things that make you happy. If I were to ask you what you do for fun and your response is “Idk,” you’ve got work to do. When you give too much of your energy to one thing or person, you lose sight of everything else you have going and you have a lot to be grateful for.
Amani is an Astrology writer and Social Media Manager at KnowTheZodiac. KnowTheZodiac is an Astrology community created with the intention to help Black people evolve into their highest self, using astrology as a tool for spiritual and self-awareness.