Cancer Season Marks The Start Of ‘Generational Firsts’ — Make Us Proud, Sis
Welcome to Cancer season, where all your hard-work will be rewarded.
Weekly Horoscopes For June 22nd— June 28th ✧
Self-sufficiency is the name of the game this season. This week, expect a major energy shift as Mars, the planet of action and ambition shifts into its’ home sign of Aries. Now that Cancer season has begun, yes, we’ll be feeling a bit more moody and tender with our feels, but this go ‘round, we’re learning how to channel that energy into our passions and desired goals.
With every new astrological season, we can expect to shift our focus towards a new area of our lives that needs a little TLC and fine-tuning. After the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse this past weekend, collectively we are embarking on an entire new journey. As the Eclipse took place at 0 degrees of Cancer, this marks a major moment for us all to make the next six months of our lives, the best of our lives. If you’ve been itching for a fresh start or ready to completely change your life, this week will welcome great awakening, clarity, action.
We kick this week off with the moon remaining in creative and intuitive Cancer. The moon in Cancer will also make a conjunction with Mercury retrograde in Cancer, bringing forth great opportunity for us to have soulful connections and clear communication stemming from our internal desires. The Solar Eclipse encourages us to practice vulnerability and remain open to new possibilities; let your ego fall aside, now is not the time to block your blessings.
After much needed rest, gathering and voicing our thoughts, feels and ideas, a wave of fresh energy swoops in when then moon shifts into Leo. Under the influence of the Leo moon, we have renewed energy and confidence to forge ahead on the path presented to us. Use this energy to invite a little room for play and switch up your daily routine. Heading out for an early morning work before getting your work day started, having a glass of wine mid-day or even squeezing in time for a little quickie with bae are all possible when the moon is in Leo. The energy of Leo encourages us to stand confidently in our truth and revel in all the things that make us feel divine.
Now that we’ve had a little moment of fun this week, we’ll start to switch gears and get back to work as the moon shifts into calculated and organized Virgo. This will make a great time for us to prioritize any house chores, projects you might’ve been procrastinating on and take note of any short-term or long-term goals you have. Given that July 1st is right around the corner, this will make a great time to begin setting your new month intentions. Speaking of intentions, have you set your New Moon Solar Eclipse intentions? If not, under the Virgo moon, you’re highly encouraged to do so as Eclipse energy is supercharged with the power to push you towards your dream and goals a lot sooner than you think. Tap into it.
As we head into the weekend, the planets of aggression, action and sexual tension shifts out of Pisces and into Aries— expect big d*ck energy. Mars in Aries also marks another turning point in our lives as Aries is the initiator and leader of the zodiac. Pay close attention to your actions and impulses around this time. Before making any commitments, ask yourself if you’re doing this out of lust or the need to boost your ego. This will be super important especially as Mars will make its first retrograde of the year. Consider this a test as Mars retrograde will reveal whether this is worthwhile.
Lastly, I can’t acknowledge all of the goodness I see manifesting for my Black women entrepreneurs and influencers across social media. From Beyonce shouting out some of my close friends’ businesses to investments and donations pouring into their bank accounts, I am filled with complete joy. I give credit to Venus making its way to station direct this week on Thursday. Venus, ruling our finances, business partnerships, intimate relationships and social networks is giving us all a much needed boost and facelift to these important matters in our lives. Expect businesses to hit the ground running again, cash flow starting to come in and even rekindling or easing any tension held in your relationship with bae. Since Venus retrograde, take a moment this week to reflect on how your relationship with money has been. Also take a moment to think about the lessons that Venus retrograde brought upon your romantic relationships; where do you and bae stand now? Is it time to move on for good? Are you two ready to embark on a new journey?
Slowly but surely, we’re creating our new normal and damn, this go around feels euphoric. Have a stellar week, sis.✨
Be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for the most accurate readings below:
March 21–April 19 ✧
You know exactly what you’re going after this week, Aries. With Mars shifting into your sign, self-sufficiency will be a major theme for you over the next six months. You finally feel like you’re getting in touch with yourself and your creativity — don’t hold back. It takes a lot of courage to walk away from the old you. Trust that this new version of yourself will be the greatest glow up of your life.
April 20–May 19 ✧
This week you might feel a deep need to rest and recharge — give yourself that. Emotions are running high, but don’t doubt for a second that you’re on the right path. Have you been feeling anxious or fearful of this new phase of your life you’re entering? If so, stay open to seeking spiritual guidance or some form of meditative therapy to ease your nerves. Self love is the best love.
May 20–June 21 ✧
These past few months you’ve been re-learning so much about who you are and how you identify/attach yourself to others. With Venus no longer being retrograde in your sign, you’re ready to apply the pressure and serve this new version of yourself. This week you might be a bit more fixated on your career, trying to figure out what moves need to be made in order for you to feel completely and utterly happy in that area of your life. Don’t give up on your dreams. Instead, tap into your social network, start making calls and put some feelers out there.
June 22–July 21 ✧
I’m proud of you, Cancer. You’ve been doing the necessary healing work and now you’re about to stunt on everyone around you. You have a laser focus on your career/professional work and you can expect major rewards and success to reveal itself within the next six months. Continue sharpening your skills and never be afraid to be a student of your craft. There’s so much to explore and learn.
July 23–August 22 ✧
Fly high, Leo. This week marks a major shift and transformation in your life. What part of this chapter excites you most? Over the next six months you’re encouraged to study, do your research and explore all opportunities you’re being met with. Whatever you’re working on will be a great need for the collective. As Venus stations direct, activating your social network and friendships, think about ways you can strengthen your connections and help each other reach desired goals.
August 23–September 22 ✧
Little by little, you’re shedding a piece of your old self and life as you know it is quickly changing for the better, Virgo. Career wise, you have a better picture of where you are and where you want to go. What do you want the world to remember you for? Your work ethic and fearlessness to make it happen against all odds doesn’t go unnoticed. This week, you might also find yourself drifting off, thinking about how to cultivate greater intimacy in your life. You deserve it all.
September 23–October 22 ✧
You’re learning what it’s like to be your own unique individual within your relationships. Perhaps Venus retrograde put a strain on your relationships? Maybe not. Either way, you’re encouraged to explore all the things that make you feel like you again. A little fine-tuning never hurt nobody.
October 23–November 21 ✧
Major change is happening both all around you and within you. Start thinking about ways in which you can compartmentalize and tidy up loose ends before you make any major moves. During Mercury retrograde, make sure to take breaks in between tasks or passion projects and let your mind and body recuperate. Take a moment to reflect on how much you’ve grown in just a short few months. How has it felt to tap back into your childhood passions and hobbies and watch them become a means of income for you now? You’re on the right path, keep digging deep and doing your soul’s work.
November 22–December 21 ✧
You might be working through healing some unresolved trauma, Sag. Emotions are running high for you this week and that is just fine. It’s natural to want to return to what feels familiar when you’re being challenged to step outside your comfort zone. Over the next few months, you’ll begin to breathe new life into a creative project, hobby or even peak interest in someone new. This will feel like uncharted territory, but it’s just what you need to keep pushing forward. Don’t doubt yourself.
December 22–January 19 ✧
It feels good that things are starting to look up with your work. You work extremely hard and you deserve a whole week dedicated to resting and taking care of your mental health. Over the next six months, you might notice an increase in desire to find a new home/relocate or connect more deeply with your family or someone from your past. Each day this week, put some serious thought into how you can increase your productivity and rest simultaneously.
January 20–February 18 ✧
I feel you’ve been securing a new bag or two and sourcing new streams of income through your passions and or hobbies lately. Financial security is a heavy on your mind this week. Continue betting on yourself and voicing your financial goals; this is one step to manifesting abundance. Over the next six months, opportunities will meet you to write, publish or voice your creative work. Keep doing your work from the heart and sharing it with others. This will lead you to an overflow of opportunities.
February 19–March 20 ✧
You might be looking to increase your income, Pisces. Do you feel you’re being paid your worth? If not, take a step back and refocus your energy on yourself. Notice that the moment you walk away, they’ll realize how valuable you are and by then it’ll be too late. You’ve been holding the foundation together for far too long and it’s wearing you out. Rest will be your best friend this week.
Amani is an Astrology writer and Social Media Manager at KnowTheZodiac. KnowTheZodiac is an Astrology community created with the intention to help Black people evolve into their highest self, using astrology as a tool for spiritual and self-awareness.
*Originally written for KnowTheZodiac.