Rest Darling, Mars is in Taurus Now

Amani Richardson
7 min readJan 7, 2021


Mars, the planet of action, ambition and desires has moved into the fixed, grounded sign of Taurus. After Mars had its chaotic run in Aries, the energy of Taurus will cause a shift — forcing us to slow down. We can’t talk about how Mars moving into Taurus will impact us all without noting Taurus’ planetary ruler — Venus. The planet, which I like to associate with our level of self-love and self-awareness. Venus also assesses our self-worth.

Though, what Venus fails to realize is that there’s always a price to pay to getting what you want, which is where Mars makes his presence. Mars shifting in Taurus this week encourages us to be realistic within our relationships, setting boundaries and sense of security. The grounded energy of Taurus requires connecting to our core and weeding out the people and energies that no longer serve us.

While yes, it’s the beginning of a new Calendar year, astrologically, we’re just only at the beginning of the end. Now is where we clean out the closet and reimagine what stability looks like for us. As Venus rules Taurus, the energy that will be expressed through Mars during this transit is one of focusing on getting into our bodies and honoring our physical and mental health. Doing what is necessary to feel good, to feel at ease for once.

Mars in Taurus, will require you to take the lead and ask the real questions. What and or who is standing in the way of my financial, mental and emotional security? What boundaries am I willing to set to make sure that I am reaching my financial goals? How can I pace myself to make sure that I don’t mentally exhaust myself? How can I make my body feel like a place of security; a place I can call my home?

Intimacy is the name of the game while Mars rests in Taurus. This is a beautiful transit if you’re looking to take things slow with your partner or even yourself. Me, personally, one of my new year’s goals is to put my vibrator aside and explore my body more — taking matters (and my orgasms) into my own hands. Mars in Taurus will encourage you to do it up for yourself. Someone say new d*ck appointment fit? Buy something for yourself that’ll bring your sexy out. Don’t be shy, sis.

For all you goal getters and those that have a detailed list of their New Year’s Resolutions for 2021, I challenge you to focus on one goal and one goal only during this time. Now is not the season to go after everything on your list, but rather pace yourself. If you’re going to do it, do it well. Do it with grace and do it with perseverance. Mars in Taurus will help you sustain your energy to see your ideas and goals through to the finish line. The more you try to rush, the more frustration you’ll experience. The energy of Taurus will for sure humble you one way or another if you set unrealistic goals and to-do lists for yourself. You are not a human doing — you are a human being. Allow yourself to be and express yourself from a place of self security. Use this period to dig deeper and learn what your “why” is. Find the things that keep you going everyday. Try not to get caught up in weighing yourself down with external pressures to have it all together.

With Uranus, the planet of unexpected change also in Taurus, don’t be shocked if you find yourself itching to make a new change in your life. You’ll find that this “new” change, is in fact the change that you’ve been needing all along. That career switch? Letting go of complacent lovers? Securing your new apartment? Whatever it may be, honor it. Just be sure to write down the pros and the cons before making any hasty decisions. Be self-knowing, which includes knowing your boundaries and what you can and cannot afford financially, mentally and emotionally.

Your horoscopes are below, darling. ✨

Please read your horoscopes for your sun, moon and rising sign for the most accurate reading.


In what ways can you fill yourself up this month? Your idea of self-security is being activated now. Financially, you might be met with surprising new opportunities to secure the bag. Remember though, not to take on more than you can handle. Not all money is good money. Your self-worth does not equate to your material or financial possessions — dig deeper.


Whatever you desire out of this life or this year is yours for the taking. Mars is here to give you that extra push to turn this year around if you haven’t really been in the mood. Romance yourself; buy yourself flowers to take a bubble bath when you need a moment. This is your time to reinvent how you wish to show up in the world. With you fine ass, hehe.


Take a breather, Gemini. This month you’ll learn an important lesson about taking your healing into your own hands. Not everybody can meet you where you are this season, forcing you to embrace your solitude and level up spiritually. Intuitively, you know exactly who needs to go. Declutter and create space for abundance to seek you.


This month, focus on freeing yourself and hiding in the shadows. This doesn’t mean overextending yourself and saying yes to everyone, but slowly find your groove in doing what you’ve always enjoyed. Keep your circle tight as your friends will play an important role in supporting and uplifting you when you need it. You don’t have to do this alone, boo.


The career switch up is real for you this month, Leo. With Uranus in Taurus also in your 10th house of career, your reputation and true calling, you’ll be surprised at all the opportunities knocking at your door. Be intentional and choose your heart this time. Go for something you truly love. The money is already there and it will follow — we see you!


You might be interested in learning or studying something new this month. Imposter syndrome shall not know your name any longer. Affirming that you are all-knowing and intellectually capable to make the right decisions will be key this month. Rest-assured you didn’t come this far to only come this far.

If it helps, doing the research and brushing up on your skills might be what you need to feel alright. Don’t overdo it, not everything needs to be perfect. You just have to believe and have faith in yourself. One day at a time, pace yourself and see it through. You were always meant to be in these rooms and in these spaces. Bet on yourself every time.


Over the course of this month, you’ll find yourself wanting to crawl into your shadows — the cocoon before birthing into a butterfly. You will unearth something deeply intimate about yourself that connects to building your legacy. This will require you to be delicate with yourself. Know that this will take time and necessary personal changes must take place. Rest when you need to and pay close attention to your dreams — the signs are there.


If you’ve been waiting on an offer letter, looking to secure a new gig, Mars in Taurus wants nothing more for you than to secure the bag and commit to joy. Lately, your relationships may have felt like a rollercoaster. If they make you second guess where you stand, next. Stay open to that someone who might come along and show you exactly why everyone else didn’t matter before.


Work can feel like a bit much this month and your mental health must be prioritized one way or another. You might feel like a busy body — slow it down, miss mammas. In order to give and create your best work, you must work from a space where you feel well rested and well-fed. When’s the last time you created a routine that centered your self-care? Your breath? Get to it!


I challenge you to reclaim your time and do the one thing that brings you joy. The one thing that’ll make you laugh until tears roll down your face. Prioritize your joy and love this month. Fall in love with yourself all over again without the pressure of having to explain to others this new and improved version of yourself. You can rebrand, and transform your life as freely as you desire. Do it for you. Do it with grace and do it because your heart said so. Rooting for you this season, babe.


A homebody is the perfect way to describe your energy over the next month. Whether you’re creating a space that feels like home to you, moving into a new apartment or yearning to return home to yourself, you will find solace in it all. Nesting is your birthright You don’t have to always be everything to everyone. Breathe easy, love.

P.s, Be cautious of people from your past repaying you a visit to distract you. 2020 is behind us and we not going that way.


Whatever you’re thinking about sharing, or creating — go for it. This is your reminder that you have always been good enough. Sound healing, talk therapy or even complete silence will be helpful in clearing your crown chakra. How you communicate your art will be well-received if you have sincere intentions. Don’t do it for the money, do it because it’ll set you free.



Amani Richardson
Amani Richardson

Written by Amani Richardson

Multifaceted creative, with a niche for Astrology, self-care and beauty for Black Women. ☀︎ Scorpio, ☾ Aquarius and ⇡Leo.

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