Listen To This Venus Retrograde Playlist And Soothe Your Woes
100+ tunes to get you through heartbreak and let out a good cry.
Every two years, the planet of love & relationships goes for a lil’ stroll down memory lane and retraces her steps backwards.🪐✨
Breakups and friction is bound to occur within our relationships and friendships if there’s any unfinished business or unresolved issues. The gag is, not everyone deserves to stick around to watch your evolution. Though some of us may not experience a breakup, Venus retrograde is a beautiful time to connect deeper on a soul level with those in our lives. Enjoy exploring new depths with one another.
Now more than ever, tune into what you want and desire on a soul level. Not all is lost. Rather, you gain everything you need now. How is your heart today?
Remember, what is for you, will be yours with ease. No need to fight. These tunes are made to soothe your heart and release a good cry when the good times get tough. Ridding the extra weight on your heart looks so good on you, sis.
Happy healing,
Spotify Playlist:
Apple Music Playlist: