What Does Personal Liberation Feel Like To You, Sis? Weekly Horoscopes Are Here

After a freedom fighting Eclipse last week, this week, it’s time to ignite that energy internally.

Amani Richardson
7 min readJun 7, 2020
Image Credit: @stuelleta

Weekly Horoscopes For June 8th — June 14th ✧

Whew. Last week’s Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius threw us all for a loop. While we’re all fighting many injustices as a collective, we can’t ignore how this energy as awakened our minds to imagine what it feel like to be free internally.

As a Black woman, I understand that it is my duty to continue doing the work and fighting the fight. But, as a healer and a creative, I even more-so understand the importance of allowing spirit to lead me to do the work inside from the streets. This week, I encourage you to do the same, sis. Not everyone’s calling is to be on the frontlines. One of the greatest tactics in organizing being able to strategize, illuminate and amplify each of your member’s skills and craft— this is how we make the greatest impact.

The energy of Eclipse can feel supercharged, meaning changes in our lives are showing up relatively quickly, forcing us to make necessary adjustments. Sunday, we kick off the week with the moon resting in disciplined and structured Capricorn, now is the time to get your ducks in a row. Now is the time to create an action plan on how you will take your personal fight to the next level. While there’s a race war going on outside, there’s a spiritual warfare going on on the inside. With Mercury, the planet of communication, thoughts and expression is resting in the homebody and feminine sign of Cancer, use this energy to cleanse your space of any bad juju you’ve let seep into you heart over these past few weeks. Again, we cannot continue to win this fight, if we’re not right within.

Monday, the moon shifts into Aquarius and you are encouraged to watch your “social diet.” To constantly scroll on twitter seeing videos of Black men, women and Trans-identifying persons being brutalized and murdered is traumatizing to say the very least. Instead, take sometime to connect with your friends offline and check-in with one another. Ask each other, how is your heart? How can you all be of greater service to one another to make sure that through this time we can continue to create a safe haven in sisterhood. Who got us, like us?

By the end of the week, pay close attention to your dreams. With the moon in Pisces and the sun in Gemini, our ancestors are here to channel specific messages to each of us. No message will be the same. Next week, Mercury will officially be retrograde (more on this later). Use Friday and Saturday to dream log and jot down those “ah-hah!” moments. These signs and messages will be useful in a couple months.

Rest, but don’t let anybody sleep on you, sis. You know what you’re here to do— execute in silence and shock their asses in due time. Have a stellar week ✨

Be sure to read for your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for the most accurate readings below:

March 21–April 19 ✧

It’s going to take some time to digest all the downloads you’ve experienced during the Lunar eclipse last week. Now is not the time to second guess yourself. What is one thing you can do this week to direct yourself on the path or adventure you’re ready to go on? Quiet the noise and strategize.

April 20–May 19 ✧

It is totally fine if you feel a little frazzled this week, Taurus. Prior to the lunar eclipse, you might’ve been daydreaming about all the ways you’ll transform your life and continue to build your legacy. The time has come. If you get cold feet, take a second to ground yourself and affirm that you are worthy of everything you’ve always dreamed of. I am so proud of you.

May 20–June 21 ✧

Express gratitude for the love you’ve been able to cultivate in your life up until this point, Gemini. Get ready to reach new heights in your relationships. Whether it be business, friendship or intimately related, trust that you’ve been working extremely hard to get here. Keep at it!

June 22–July 21 ✧

Ease and flow into this week, Cancer. Let your creativity fuel you this week. If you feel called to focus on a passion project — do that. Now more than ever, the world needs your ideas and your art to ignite change. Continue healing yourself from the inside out, we need you.

July 23–August 22 ✧

This week, consolidate all your thoughts. One minute you’re fixated on relationships and the next you’re ready to launch a new project. One step at a time, Leo. You can have it all. Remember that time moves with you and not against you.

August 23–September 22 ✧

Your past does not define you Virgo. You have every right to reclaim your power. This past week might’ve felt like a whirlwind so take some time to retreat and connect with friends and family who make you feel safe. You might feel more vulnerable than ever right now. Breathe through it all.

September 23–October 22 ✧

Whatever you feel you need to say, say it. Make sure you say it with your chest too, Libra. If anyone can bring the light, harmony and balance to a world of chaos, it’s you. There is a truth that needs to be told. Do not let your fear of being misunderstood stop you. You are a powerful force of nature.

October 23–November 21 ✧

A dream of yours is literally right in front of you now, Scorpio. You have some of the strongest manifestation powers and you deserve the world. If you’ve been playing your cards right all along, you’ll be able to make a brilliant strategy to help propel you forward. Don’t look back, you know what to do. Just be sure to cross your T’s and dot your I’s.

November 22–December 21 ✧

Breathe, Sag. You probably feel more free now than ever before. You might also feel completely wiped out and unsure of where to go next… That’s ok. The first step is congratulating yourself for accepting the changes that be. Journal this week to help spell everything out for you. What are you most proud of? What are you having the most difficulty in letting go of in your life at this moment?

December 22–January 19 ✧

Just wait on it Capricorn. While you’ve been patient long enough, the time is finally approaching where you will no longer be slept on and people will recognize everything that you bring to the table and then some. It’s not your job to constantly prove your worth. When you need a break this week, give yourself that and a little more.

January 20–February 18 ✧

Dial back from the social feeds this week, Aquarius. You’ve been exposed to so much. Instead, connect with your friends and catch up on what’s been going on in one another’s lives. Your social circle has the power to pour into you in so many ways. You need that right now. No matter what journey you’re on, just know you’re so, so close. Please don’t give up now.

February 19–March 20 ✧

Continue to keep your head down and do the work, Pisces. You’ve been patiently awaiting some information in regards to your career/professional work. Know that you haven’t been forgotten. Continue to be a source of inspiration for your colleagues around you, they need it more than you know.

Amani is an Astrology writer and Social Media Manager at KnowTheZodiac. KnowTheZodiac is an Astrology community created with the intention to help Black people evolve into their highest self, using astrology as a tool for spiritual and self-awareness.

*Originally written for KnowTheZodiac.



Amani Richardson
Amani Richardson

Written by Amani Richardson

Multifaceted creative, with a niche for Astrology, self-care and beauty for Black Women. ☀︎ Scorpio, ☾ Aquarius and ⇡Leo.

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